
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Drink warm water after meal 

It's always good to know these things..... This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about ladies and their heart attacks.

A friend sent this to me. She asked that I share with both my male/female friends. Very interesting...

This makes sense..... the Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals...not cold water... maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.

Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food.

It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks: Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.

60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware.

The more we know, the better chance we could survive...

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jumong - Prince of The Legend 

Gua lagi nonton Jumong, tapi lanjutannya belum ada.... ini film sih 10/10. Rencana 60 episodes, tapi gw baru tonton 18 episodes...


“Magnitude is about to start.”

You are about to go back to the time of Goguryeo, a time which was bigger than now.
‘A time when our nation was the most beautiful’, ‘A time when our nation was the center of the world’. Have you ever met such a time?! dares to journey into a time no one has ever gone back to. The most surprising time in history has come back 2000 years later, a time when the nation made China fall down to their knees and when we fought other nations without any fear.

Meet a hero bigger than the myth.
Alexander, Genghis Khan, we have the hero who overwhelmed his generation and changed history, Jumong! Up to now we have been used to dramas dealing with the history of kings and knights but now we are about to challenge in creating a drama with the birth of a true hero. A name only remembered as a myth. Get ready to meet Jumong, the hero who opened up the skies of the Old Joseon, which was once ours, by fighting thousands and thousands of armies.

Meet the love even bigger than the history.
‘Love’ seems to be the one common denominator across people of all generations and nations. ‘Love’ gets swept away with the waves of time and also gets hurt with biased views in societies, but it also creates a new kind of history by wrestling against adversity and the trials of time. True love, which is uncommonly seen in history, is re-drawn through the drama of our once forgotten history.
Through the wisdom and courage of Korea’s first queen So Seo-no…


Jumong: King of Goguryeo who won back the skies of the Old Joseon (Actor: Song Il-gook)
So Seo-no: A wise and strong queen (Actress: Han Hye-jin)
Dae Soh: Jealously itself (Actor: Kim Seung-soo)
Geum Wa: An affectionate king (Actor: Jeun Kwang-ryeul)
Yu Hwa: Motherhood of sadness (Actress: Oh Yun-soo)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Korean & Taiwan dramas 

Thanks buat my lovely friend Vonny, yang udah cape cape and teler cariin data drama buat maniac serial movie kayak gua.
Gua upload di sini ya Von, soalnya banyak friends gua yang juga punya hobby sama.......


* 18 vs 29 :This drama takes the audience back to the 1990s. The main character of the drama, Yoo Hye-chan, 29, reverts mentally to an 18-year-old girl after having a car accident. As she recovers her memory and the relationship with her husband, Kang Sang-yeong, she goes through many hilarious and heart-moving moments.

Venny's comment: watched, gua kasih rating 8/10

* Bright Girl’s Success Story: Joyful girl, Yang-soon, is a simple country girl who dreams of rescuing a prince in distress. Gi-tae is the spoiled, bad-tempered president of a well-known makeup company. While in the country on business, Gi-tae somehow ends up falling straight into Yang-soon while she's taking a bath! And it's hate at first sight!

* Delightful Girl Choon Hyang: "Sassy Girl, Choon-hyang" is the 2005 interpretation of the "Legend of Choon-hyang". The story begins when Lee Mong-ryong is transferred from Seoul to a high school in Namwon, North Jeolla Province. Chun-hyang does her best to help Mong-ryong, her first love and the son of the Namwon Police Station chief, to enter a prestigious university. However, after meeting with Mong-ryong's first love, Chae-rin, Mong-ryong's love toward Chun-hyang is shattered, although Chun-hyang's love remains unwavering.

One day, Byeon Hak-do, CEO of a famous entertainment company, appears in her life. He exudes confidence that he can make any woman fall for him. But as Chun-hyang shows no interest in him, his self-esteem is damaged profoundly. Byeon Hak-do is determined to make her love him

Venny's comment: watched, gua kasih rating 9/10

* My Girl: From the creators of hit comedy/drama Sassy Girl, Chunhyang comes their latest work, My Girl. Lee Dong Wook stars as Gong Chan, the heir to a large company fortune owned by his ailing grandfather. Bedridden, he spends his days regretting his past decisions - in particular when he severed ties with his own daughter (Gong Chan's aunt) because she fell in love with a man deemed unsuitable. She gave birth to a baby girl, but then his daughter and her husband died in an earthquake. To this day, Gong Chan's grandfather has been trying to track his granddaughter down.

One day Gong Chan meets the young and energetic Yoo Rin (Lee Da Hae), who instantly reminds him of his aunt. This gives Gong Chan an idea to make his grandfather's dying wish come true. So begins a complex relationship between the young couple. My Girl also stars hot new actor Lee Jun Gi (King And The Clown) as a playboy who falls hopelessly in love with Yoo Rin, and Park Si Yeon as a spoilt young tennis pro who sets her sights on Gong Chan - and will do anything to get him!

Venny's comment: watched, gua kasih rating 8/10. Si Chunhyang juga ada nongol sebentar jadi adiknya Yoo Rin

* Sweet 18: Love is born in the most unlikely ways...

Heartthrob Lee Dong Gun (Lovers in Paris) and rising star Han Ji Hye star in the popular KBS drama Sweet 18. Lighthearted and touching, Sweet 18 presents an engaging tale of cross-generation romance and arranged marriage. The sweet pairing and humorous storyline is sure to delight audiences.

The pampered and reckless Yoon Jung Sook (Han Ji Hye) comes from a respectable family that lost its fortunes due to her father's negligence. The energetic 18-year-old lives life as she sees fit, but everything changes abruptly when one of her usual disco adventures results in her arrest by prosecutor Kwon Hyuk Jun (Lee Dong-gun). Little does she knew, Hyuk Jun is actually her soon-to-be husband! Hyuk Jun's and Jung Sook's elders arranged their marriage a long time ago, and they have little choice but to comply. Still a high school student, Hyuk Jun must adjust to life with a husband ten years her senior. Brought together by circumstances beyond their control, the newlywed couple seem to come from two different worlds. Amidst the constant comedic bickering and misunderstandings, they slowly overcome their differences and a seed of love begins to grow...

* 1% of anything/something about 1%
* My name is Kim Sam Soon: watched, rating 8/10

* Full House : watched, rating 9/10
* Youchoushukujo
* Lovers in Paris: watched, rating 8/10
* Love Story in Harvard: watched, rating 6/10
* Great Inheritance
* Body Guard
* Loveholic: watched, rating 6/10
* Ice Girl
* Goong ( Prince's Hours) : watched, rating 8/10
* Love’s First Tear: katanya baru mau di broadcast di SBS or KBS 2006 late fall
* Dating Now
* Stairway to Heaven: watched, rating 8/10
* Mr Goodbye: diputer di TV Korea KBS2 mulai dari May 2006
* Only You. : lupa, kayaknya udah nonton


* Devil Beside You : Adapted from a Japanese manga of the same title, Devil Beside You combines efforts of the most famous TV series producer, Angie Tsai (who once created the miracle of Meteor Garden), and rising young idols such as Mike He, Rainie Yang, Kingone Wang, and Cai Pei Lin! The romance comedy was extremely popular when it was broadcast in Taiwan!

Mike He and Rainie Yang play a couple who often quarrel with each other. Mike is a young man who doesn't know how to express his love for his girlfriend, a lively girl played by singer Rainie Yang. To complicate matters, their parents are planning to marry each other, making them stepsiblings. Apart from the idols' handsome faces, their dramatic acting is also what appeals to the Taiwanese audience, making Devil Beside You the most loved Taiwanese romantic TV series in 2005!

Venny's comment: watched, gua kasih rating 8/10. Film ini di copy abis di indo dengan judul Benar benar cinta.

* Smile Pasta: starring Cyndi Wang, Zhang Dong Liang, Gino, and Xiao Qiao
* The Hospital: Jerry Yan
* It Started With A Kiss: from the japanese manga series "itazura no kiss".
* Love Queen: Quite funny this drama although it doesnt have a very famous cast. Do give this a try
* Six Friends
* Silence: Vic Zhou's 2006 new drama with Park Eun Hye, Megan Lai, and Andy Hui

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Hmmm.... akhirnya pulang rumah juga. Kangen ama anak anak

Dua hari nginep di RSPIK, nemenin hubby kena dengue fever (alias demam berdarah). Kok rasanya capek banget, padahal gw bisa tidur di RS, nyenyak pula. Emang tukang bobo kali ya..

Rencana mau take a nap, eh malah balik lagi ke RS, bukan karena sakit, tapi gara gara ketinggalan laptop yang gua taruh waktu urus admin. Untung aja masih di "keep" ama orang admin.

Tau kenapa, gua itu suka sekali ketinggalan barang, padahal sudah ati ati, tapi suka aja ketinggalan.

Aduh, gimana lagi caranya supaya gua tuh nga ceroboh ya?????

Monday, September 25, 2006


Chiropractor mulai menjadi perhatian saya sejak melihat siaran mengenai tulang belakang yang sepertinya merupakan problem saya kurang lebih 3 tahun ini. Maklum sakit yang dirasakan di punggung belakang bagian atas (yang tadinya cuma sebelah kiri sekarang sudah menjalar ke kanan) itu ternyata bukanlah disebabkan karena ada masalah di tulang belakangnya sendiri, tetapi karena tulang leherku yang terlalu lurus..... Bingung kan.

Ternyata tulang leher yang sehat itu adalah yang sedikit bengkok. Dan karena lurusnya tulang leher itu sehingga menjepit syaraf - syaraf yang bisa mengakibatkan pusing, lemas, kebas pada bagian tangan, pegal pada bagian punggung dsb.

Usut punya usut ternyata Chiropractor itu adanya cuma di Jakarta Selatan. Dan itu berarti sangat jauh dari tempat tinggal gw. Akhirnya terpaksa gw batalin niat untuk berobat karena paling tidak gw harus melakukan treatment 2x dalam seminggu untuk beberapa bulan.
Tapi Puji Tuhan, God knows what I need. Chiropractor akhirnya di buka di tempat yang sekarang malah dekat banget yaitu di Mega Mall.

Semoga saja dengan therapy ini gw bisa sembuh dari masalah tulang belakang.

Sedikit info mengenai Streching

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ampir 4 bulan nge-blog 

It's been a long time since my last post. Almost 4 months.

Baru kembali dari PA setelah sekian lama bolos dengan berbagai alasan. Khotbah hari ini bagus. Kembali refresh my mind and soul.

Beberapa hari ini badan nga enak, rasanya kok hun hun... keringat dingin terus, trus agak mual. Enggak tau kenapa, mungkin karena diet, soalnya sudah naik 3 kg. Berbahaya.... kalo nga dijaga bisa kebablasan.

Hari ini ke performance anak2 di skul mereka. Jovan lagi mogok, nga mau ikut performance, lagi cengeng dari kemarin.
Kalau Nathan hari ini jadi little duck. So cute....

Nih anak tuh jaim banget kata missnya. Di skul tuh, Nathan alim banget beda sekali ama di rumah.....
Enggak pernah teriak2, nga pernah lompat2... pokoke alim sekali.
Ampe nga kebayang gimana dia tuh di skul, kok bisa ya kayak gitu.
Hubby aja ampe ngakak waktu diceritain.

Tadi aja habis pulang gereja nga mau panggil gw. trus ditanya alasannya "kenapa nga mau panggil mami? itu kan artinya nga sayang sama mami" trus dia bilang "kan Ethan masih kecil". Ampun2 deh tuh anak banyak alasannya.

Abis performance ke ITC MD2. Musti kalo ke ITC habisin duit. Apa aja bisa dibeli....
Mana bisa hemat kalau gitu, padahal rencana mau saving. Udah kelewat boros

Potong rambut di Platinum, bagus juga, pengen ganti suasana.

Hari ini beli film 18 vs 29, and Be strong. Padahal dirumah masih banyak yang belum ditonton. Emang gila nonton banget...

Pulang ITC sambung lagi ke gereja, padahal tadinya sempet males, tapi kok rasanya berdosa.

Friday, January 20, 2006

OH my Snow white cookies, what happen to you 

BT BT BT.....
Gara gara duahari yang lalu bikin kue putri salju. Seumur umur bikin nga pernah gagal. Nga tau kenapa dua hari yang lalu bikin, abis dipanggang lembek terus. Jadi penasaran. Nga tau apa yang salah.

Bikin gua nga bisa tidur semaleman.

Sekarang mau bikin jadi takut gagal. Tapi mau nga mau harus coba nih. Abis udah deket Chinese New Year. Belum lagi mau bikin nastar. Semoga nga terjadi hal2 begini lagi deh......
